Join Us Today!

Start sharing and renting your items within a trusted community. Create
your online catalog and enjoy the benefits of — a platform
that makes sharing easy, secure, and rewarding.

At, we believe in the power of community, collaboration and sustainability. Our platform enables you to share resources, skills and expertise with friends and neighbors. Renting and borrowing resources within trusted groups, we reduce waste, promote sustainability, while earning rewards for contributing to the community

Together, let's build a greener future in a
collaborative, secure and friendly environment”

Simple, Transparent Pricing

We don’t sell customer data or ad’s. Our pricing is based on a shared cost model designed to fit everyone’s needs. Everyone can get started for free with an option to upgrade for a larger number of items.



  • 25 Items
  • 1 Group
  • Fixed Categories
  • Lend / Borrow included
  • QR Codes Included
  • Rewards Included
  • Google SSO included
  • Notifications
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  • 50 items
  • Unlimited Groups
  • Custom Categories
  • Lend / Borrow Included
  • QR Codes Included
  • Rewards Included
  • Google SSO included
  • Notifications
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